Sunday, 31 May 2015

FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT (and mine)...I decided to make a You Tube channel!



It's nice to be back, I was having some downtime due to medicinal/physical issues (that I'll address soon) that make it impossible to work at all. But, I've been feeling pretty okay over the weekend. I realized I hadn't told you about my You Tube channel. Well...I have a You Tube channel! YAY.
This is the most recent video. The pathos and the glory...

I've been uploading for a little bit, not long. I only have 5 vids. Partly because I'm just tired with still visual art on its own, and I just feel like playing around.

Or (God forbid!) I'm trying too hard.

I realize this is a medium I won't use much, and even though this one -
- makes it look like I'm trying to be "edgy" - I'm not. I'm not edgy at all. This one actually has a backstory that wasn't too fun to live through. One day I'll explain. Until then, enjoy what's there! 

Thanks, love to you all!

And a final ¡Adios!

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

I'm working on it...thanks for your patience.

Hello...I know it seems I've abandoned my work. Still having not just multi-tasking difficulties, but mental ones as well. But I'll be back like the Terminator when I'm able! It's shouldn't be long. Thanks guys, I do appreciate your patience with me. :)

Monday, 11 May 2015

Multi-Tasking Difficulties, Please Stand By...

Personal problems, brain problems, scheduling issues, issues in general, money problems, exhaustion, insomnia, pervasive boredom, case of the Mondays, spread too thin right now... you name it - I have it. I've been taken by WAAAAAAAAMBULANCE to the nearby ER for immediate caffeine IV and free pacifiers. For multiple reasons - not excluding procrastination or "going completely blank" creatively - I have not posted in a long while here, but I'll be back! I swear! Thank you for putting up with me and my "issues".

In the meantime...maybe check out this place!