Saturday 23 November 2013

Evolutions #4: Update!

Here we go, again! Over the last week I didn't do too much painting, but I was able to rearrange the the proportions of the body back to something still resembling "human." And interesting (I didn't see it until now), it actually looks a LOT more like the original image i had in mind! (#1). Well - from about image 2 to image 3 it seems I got lost...but every painting goes through an "ugly" phase (or several!)'s to be expected. Anyway, I found my way back. The 2 newest shots are enlarged and bordered in red. Enjoy!

Sunday 10 November 2013

Evolutions #4

Here's an oldie I thought I would try again...nearly threw the thing away. Recent events (so many!!) have made me feel this loud, angry, and terrified. I had to bring this one back for some peace of mind. No title as of yet. The most recent is #4 itself. Enjoy!