Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Evolutions #3..."The Tongue is a flame of Fire" (working title)

AND we are getting closer! I've been using a better (newer) camera since I began this painting and an older (not so good) camera for the previous five, hence why it looks so much warmer (no pun intended) from #5 back....but the TRUE color is in image #6. I've not been able to keep up as well as I've wished (lots of issues at home), but this newest addition (#6) was done only a week ago and I've ben updating it slowly since. That means what you see here now is not the latest, but is closest to it. Enjoy!


  1. Jeni--Remarkable, as always! What are the media you use to do these? Do not grow weary of well doing! --Don

    1. Thanks! I keep forgetting about the media...I use acrylic paint instead of oils (acrylic dries faster and I'm impatient) and currently, canvasboard. Which is like a stretched canvas glued onto a very stiff rectangle made of many layers of recycled paper-like material. It also costs a lot less, so that's mainly the reason I haven't used a stretched canvas for a long while...Thank you!


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